

It takes a life time to earn Loyalty but only a second to loose it.The level of one’s success is equivalent to the quality of his/her relationship  with people. King Solomon unearthed this principle when he admonished the assembly of Israelites that;  Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day.(1Kings 8:61.KJV)
The fact is that,a relationship cannot thrive well if loyalty is absent.If the heart of the parties involved in the relationship are not perfect towards each other, the relationship will fall on rocks.In other words, the more loyalty,the higher the possibility of success and vice versa.
How do I  develop loyalty?
-Learn to honor your words:Perform the things you’ve said you will do.It start with the small things and then graduate to the big things.For example telling a friend, I will call you tomorrow, visit you tomorrow, pay your money on Monday etc.If you honor these things, your friend will see you loyal and trustworthy.
-Let your yes be YES: You have to be definite in your dealings. You can’t say YES today and say NO tomorrow.Loyalty requires consistency in every sphere of life.
Inconsistent people can’t be loyal and for that matter trusted.
-Be willing to make a sacrifice: Loyal people are those who look beyond themselves and go an extra mile to keep their allegiance.Anything you do beyond the normal to make something positive happen is a sacrifice.
-it is not for sale: loyalty cannot be quantified and bought with any currency in this world but it is earned over a period of constant fellowship. Work on your relationship with others and stay committed to the course of the relationship (be it organizational).

Ato Bosomtwe

Always be Positive!

Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a running competition.The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.
A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants.
The race began…
Honestly, No one in crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. crowd yelled statements such as:
“Oh, WAY too difficult!!!”
“They will NEVER make it to the top.”
“Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!”
The tiny frogs began collapsing. One by one. Except for those, who in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher.
The crowd continued to yell, “It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!”
More tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But ONE continued higher and higher and higher. This one wouldnt give up!
At the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower. Except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top! THEN all of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it?
A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal? It turned out. That the winner was DEAF!!!
:: Moral of the Story ::
Never listen to other people’s tendencies to be negative or pessimistic. because they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you — the ones you have in your heart!
Always think of the power words have. Because everything you hear and read will affect your actions! Therefore, ALWAYS BE POSITIVE!Be DEAF when people tell YOU that you cannot fulfill your dreams! Always think: God and I can do this!

Ato Bosomtwe

Keep on keeping on!


“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that you are the one to take you to where you want go,no one else”-Les Brown.
Most people shower blames on  others for what happens in their lives especially if things don’t go as expected. The truth is that,each one of us was given life by God .He gave us life but He didn’t give our lives to others and for that matter we will one day render an account to God on how we lived our lives.
Until you accept  and take full responsibility of your life,you will always be playing the “Blame game”.Life is not  going to be easy,but very challenging. Every day has its own unique Challenges.Therefore,it is expedient to embrace these challenges bearing in mind that, the responsibility to overcome them rest on our shoulders.
Stop complaining bitterly about life!You don’t have to cry to give up but rather cry to keep going in life.You don’t get in life what you want but what you are.
Yes!there will be hardships,walls of impediment and battles of all kinds just to derail you in life,In fact all hell will be let loose.But don’t throw in the towel,I know it is hard but hold on,Indeed you’ve got some fair reasons to  scream about but get one good reason that will keep you firm in the game of life.Never to quit but propel you through the changing scenes of life.
NOTE: “Those who give up in life never knew how closed they were to success”.
Keep on keeping on, DON’T give up the fight.Take life by the throat!!!

Ato Bosomtwe

The Best Teacher

All achievers were given multiple reasons to believe they were failures, but in spite of that, they persisted!Vemon sandone puts it this way;Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.
For a instance, a mother telling her not to touch the hot coal pot.The child willfully disobeys and touches the hot coal pot the hand. Immediately the child will withdraw the hand and move away from the hot coal pot with wailing, gnashing of teeth and probably some burns.The mother been proactive saw the danger but the child didn’t notice it the hot coal pot scotched him.
That is how life teaches us. The has now learnt from experience that, when he touches a hot coal pot with the bare hands,it will scotch him.In the classroom of life,he always present students with the test before the actual lessons.


When we are confronted with difficulties like failures, huge financial setbacks and the likes,we shouldn’t concentrate on them but rather fix our eyes on the lessons they are presenting to us.These lessons if critically considered will shield us repeating the errors and make us more constructive in our future decisions.Albert Einstein once said; “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new”.what is salient here is the lessons you learn from the situation making sure it is not repeated. Nothing more nothing less!


By:Ato Bosomtwe



Most often we speak and listen to teaching on love and faith. These two subjects are very important in our walk with God.For we know God is love and requires from us faith in order to please Him.But there is another vital subject which if not ignored, it is seldomly been discussed and that is HOPE.
What then is hope?
For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? (Romans 8:24-KJV)
Hope is an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances.
Hope actually is being a state of expectancy of desired outcome. The things been expected are not seen but our minds and body are glued to the desired outcome that it shall surely materialize.For example; nobody is promise tomorrow but we are optimistic that we shall see tomorrow.That’s HOPE!
How can I hope?

The Bible declares that; But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it(Romans 8:25-KJV).Hope walks hand-in-hand with patience. You can hope for something if you have the patience for it to manifest. If you lack this essential nutrient called Patience,with time you will be frustrated and feel disappointed and quit.In hoping,you have to take every action step within your reach towards that achievement and trust that the Lord will reward your efforts with favorable manifestation.



What is the relationship between faith and hope?
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1-KJV).From Hebrews 11:1,we see that faith and hope are intertwined. In the sense that, faith can’t be exercised if there is no hope that what we seek would be granted.Hope is a subset of faith.

In conclusion brethren, we have to hope in God ,exercise patience and have faith that HE who has called us is faithful to do what we desire from Him.Job put it this way; For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease.(Job14:7-KJV).Just hold on and hold out!

By:Ato Bosomtwe

Mandate to Dominate


Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and overall the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurts you .Luke 10:19.

God has given every believer the mandate to dominate and take charge of affairs here on earth.Treading on serpents and scorpions means mastering oneself ,that’s;bringing your body under subjection.The serpent  is very crafty and can downplay you when given room to operate.Its play ground is the mind.Our actions is dictated by the mind.It sows seeds of carnality in the mind and its yields are evident.God been so good has given us the power and mandate to subdue it.He has also entrusted to us power over the accuser of the brethren and none of his schemes shall by any means hurts us.wow!!!

What a great assurance from Jehovah.
Until you come to realize who God has made you and the power He has given you, the serpent will always capitalize on your ignorance. God has predestined us for greatness, why settle for less?
He has made you any eagle, why behave like a fowl?Dont perish in ignorance,Step out of your ignorance and realize your identity in Christ.See things from the standpoint of God.You have all it takes to be successful. Have dominion, be a master of yourself, exercise this power,crush the serpents and scorpions.Apostle Paul said; I can do all things through Christ who empowers me.

By:Ato Bosomtwe

Love revolution


Jesus Christ demonstrated his love towards us by shedding his precious blood on the cross.He loves us unconditionally.That is;regardless of our color, race,height, gender etc.God showed His love for us through Jesus Christ  His only begotten son. Behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God.1 John 3:1


God’s love is so awesome. He has chosen us to be vessels of love, to show his unconditional love to others. He has shown us how to truly love. My children, do not love in word or tongue but in deed and in truth 1 John 3:18


God’s will for us is that we mature to the point where we are saturated with His unending love. we walk,talk and act in love.God is love,His way is love.That’s why the Lord Jesus Christ said the whole law is summed up in this; love your brother as yourself.Hope,faith and love,of these three; love is the greatest. God has made us ambassadors of love to the world. Love never fails. Beloved let us love!

By:Ato Bosomtwe

An attitude of gratitude


In everything give thanks for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus
1 Thessalonians 5:18
In life,we feel very disappointed when the very people whom we have help in one way or the other fail to show us gratitude.We classify these people as ungrateful and call them all sorts of names forgetting that we are also culprits.
God in His infinite mercies has blessed us with many benefits in life.Some of which are;life,devine health, peace,security,provisions and the likes.How many times have we given the Almighty God the thanks He deserves.we don’t seem value these priceless blessings from God. As a result, we deprive ourselves of  joy and satisfaction but rather embrace worries and anxieties.The question is,do you have an attitude of gratitude?


Of all the greatmen God used in the bible,David was the only man God described as a man after His heart.David discovered the key to true Joy and that’s thanksgiving. He was always blessing the name of the Lord.
I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continually dwell in my mouth… Psalm34
The statement he made,makes us aware of the fact that whether things are going the way he expect or not,he made up his mind to bless  and exhort God’s holy name.No matter what you are going through, He is with you. That’s why David said;yea thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me.Quit  complaining and murmuring about your situation. Just show an attitude of gratitude to the most high God and leave Him to do His own thing.


One can show gratitude to God through;
*Praise and worship
*Offerings and
*Honoring of vows

By:Ato Bosomtwe

Asking for more


Now godliness with contentment is a great gain.1Timothy 6:6
Pursuing materialism comes with frustration,everything we see,we desire to have it.if we get these things we desire, they satisfy us for a while and soon they loose their thrill.People with Jobs seek a raise,after they receive that raise, the satisfaction that came with it soon fall on rocks and they start seeking for another raise. All Rivers run into the sea but it is never full.


Graduates seek jobs,employees seek promotion, couples with male kids seek girls etc.Things don’t bring satisfaction but only Jesus Christ does.
Focus on people not things,use things and love people.if you want to feel RICH,count your blessings not your problems. I’m not against wealth or riches but the pursuit of it has led many astray.There’s nothing wrong in dreaming a luxurious life but what needs to be taken care of is to not let Need become Greed,because needs can always be met but greed can never be fulfilled.
Do you have an attitude of gratitude?
Take time and thank God for the things He has blessed you with that money can’t buy.Pursue Jesus not materialism.seek he first the kingdom of God and it’s righteousness, and all others shall be added to you. Don’t do the opposite.True satisfaction comes from Jesus and nothing else.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh,lust of the eyes and the pride of life…1John2:16.stay blessed

By:Ato Bosomtwe

The darkest hour


…the raging ocean that covered everything was  in total darkness,and the spirit of God was moving over the water,Genesis1:2.
Darkness represent doom,crisis, hardship, difficulty,famine,hopelessness and impossibility.The text above gives a vivid description of the earth when the Creator was creating the universe,Genesis 1:1 says the earth was without form and desolate. That’s a state of hopelessness.
As humans as we are, it gets to a point in our lives that everything becomes gloomy and obscured.Nothing good seem happen regardless of our efforts and hardwork.This is the point I call the DARKEST HOUR. At this point,your whole life is engulfed in total darkness.Your vision is impaired, your hardwork is unnoticed and the world seems to be crushing down on you. This is the point where God is silent.But anytime He is silent, then He is on the move behind the scene.


Then God commanded,Let there be light, and light appeared. Genesis 1:3
In the midst of the total darkness, God commanded forth light and light appeared. He called forth light out of darkness.
If there is no cross then expect no crown.
Weeping endureth for a night but joy cometh in the morning Ps30:5
When we face these darkest moments, we weep and wail but the good news is that,it’s just for a period, joy cometh in the morning. There is  light at the end of the tunnel,so don’t give up in your moments of darkness, keep your head up.People of faith are not quitters. Be determined, never say NEVER! God bless our hustle.

By:Ato Bosomtwe