The darkest hour


…the raging ocean that covered everything was  in total darkness,and the spirit of God was moving over the water,Genesis1:2.
Darkness represent doom,crisis, hardship, difficulty,famine,hopelessness and impossibility.The text above gives a vivid description of the earth when the Creator was creating the universe,Genesis 1:1 says the earth was without form and desolate. That’s a state of hopelessness.
As humans as we are, it gets to a point in our lives that everything becomes gloomy and obscured.Nothing good seem happen regardless of our efforts and hardwork.This is the point I call the DARKEST HOUR. At this point,your whole life is engulfed in total darkness.Your vision is impaired, your hardwork is unnoticed and the world seems to be crushing down on you. This is the point where God is silent.But anytime He is silent, then He is on the move behind the scene.


Then God commanded,Let there be light, and light appeared. Genesis 1:3
In the midst of the total darkness, God commanded forth light and light appeared. He called forth light out of darkness.
If there is no cross then expect no crown.
Weeping endureth for a night but joy cometh in the morning Ps30:5
When we face these darkest moments, we weep and wail but the good news is that,it’s just for a period, joy cometh in the morning. There is  light at the end of the tunnel,so don’t give up in your moments of darkness, keep your head up.People of faith are not quitters. Be determined, never say NEVER! God bless our hustle.

By:Ato Bosomtwe

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