The Best Teacher

All achievers were given multiple reasons to believe they were failures, but in spite of that, they persisted!Vemon sandone puts it this way;Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.
For a instance, a mother telling her not to touch the hot coal pot.The child willfully disobeys and touches the hot coal pot the hand. Immediately the child will withdraw the hand and move away from the hot coal pot with wailing, gnashing of teeth and probably some burns.The mother been proactive saw the danger but the child didn’t notice it the hot coal pot scotched him.
That is how life teaches us. The has now learnt from experience that, when he touches a hot coal pot with the bare hands,it will scotch him.In the classroom of life,he always present students with the test before the actual lessons.


When we are confronted with difficulties like failures, huge financial setbacks and the likes,we shouldn’t concentrate on them but rather fix our eyes on the lessons they are presenting to us.These lessons if critically considered will shield us repeating the errors and make us more constructive in our future decisions.Albert Einstein once said; “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new”.what is salient here is the lessons you learn from the situation making sure it is not repeated. Nothing more nothing less!


By:Ato Bosomtwe