Mandate to Dominate


Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and overall the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurts you .Luke 10:19.

God has given every believer the mandate to dominate and take charge of affairs here on earth.Treading on serpents and scorpions means mastering oneself ,that’s;bringing your body under subjection.The serpent  is very crafty and can downplay you when given room to operate.Its play ground is the mind.Our actions is dictated by the mind.It sows seeds of carnality in the mind and its yields are evident.God been so good has given us the power and mandate to subdue it.He has also entrusted to us power over the accuser of the brethren and none of his schemes shall by any means hurts!!!

What a great assurance from Jehovah.
Until you come to realize who God has made you and the power He has given you, the serpent will always capitalize on your ignorance. God has predestined us for greatness, why settle for less?
He has made you any eagle, why behave like a fowl?Dont perish in ignorance,Step out of your ignorance and realize your identity in Christ.See things from the standpoint of God.You have all it takes to be successful. Have dominion, be a master of yourself, exercise this power,crush the serpents and scorpions.Apostle Paul said; I can do all things through Christ who empowers me.

By:Ato Bosomtwe

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